Privesc apa ore in sir, fara sa ma plictisesc. Asa incep diminetile mele la mare, pe la ora 8, cand ma asez pe nisip si ma uit la apa, ascult valurile, privesc soarele cum se ridica lenes dupa ce si-a primit aplauze la spectacolul magnific de rasarit, inspir mirosul de sare, alge si preferabil, al unei cafele tari si aromate. Nu ma plictisesc niciodata si nu stiu cum trece timpul. Nu stiu daca sunt fericita sau daca mi-am golit mintea ori ma gandesc in timpul asta la ceva. Nu meditez si nici nu levitez. Simt insa ca fiecare val si fecare sclipire a apei ma inconjoara cu energie magica, intensa dar calma, la granita dintre realitate si fantastic.
Starea aceasta de “minte albastra” este cunoscuta sub conceptul de Blue Mind, descris de oceanologul Wallace J. Nichols drept “o stare meditativa caracterizata de calm, pace, echilibru si un sentment general de fericire si satisfactie, la care ajungi cand esti in apa sau in apropierea acesteia”. Aceasta stare contemplativa asupra vietii, generata de apa, este favorizata de relaxarea intr-un mediu natural, si in plus, orice schimbare ce apare pe suprafata apei atrage privirea, iar creierul elibereaza dopamina, care contribuie la o senzatie generala de bine.
De la Blue Mind la Spa (sanitas per aquam), relaxarea prin intermediul apei, este doar un pas, iar terapiile prin apa termala au fost descoperite in antichitate, de greci, care au lansat astfel termalismul, ce are parte acum de o revenire puternica, proprietatile curative ale apelor termale fiind recunoscute si in prezent, urmand cursul firesc al istoriei. Noul termalism este o notiune complexa, ce combina ideea de vacanta urbana la indemana, de affordable luxury, de evadare in natura, de relaxare si fuga de sressul cotidian si lipsa timpului, cu programe de tratament, activitati de entertainment, experiente gastronomice, tehnologie performanta si arhitectura avangardista.
In acest context, Therme Bucuresti mi se pare un fel de cadou facut de natura acestui oras frumos dar plin de praf (caracteristica omniprezenta de-a lungul istoriei in capitala noastra), pe care l-au cizelat echipe ingenioase de ingineri, constructori, biologi, botanisti, arhitecti, designeri, decoratori si specialisti in wellness, entertainment si gastronomie.
Lansat în anul 2016, Therme București este cel mai mare centru Therme din Europa, construit greenfield, pe un areal de 250.000 mp, cu o suprafață indoor de 37.000 mp, găzduind cea mai mare grădină botanică din România, cu peste 800.000 de plante, dintre care peste 1.500 de palmieri. Apa geotermala extrasa de la 3.100 de metri adancime este microbiologic pura, trece printr-un proces complex de tratare si este bogata in saruri minerale, cupru, zinc, seleniu, calciu, magineziu, iar temperatura sa in cele 10 piscine este in jur de 33 grade Celsius. Odată cu deschiderea Therme București, capitala României a devenit cel mai mare oraș termal din Europa, alaturi de prima și cea mai veche capitală termală atestată istoric: Roma. As adauga ca noua atractie a Bucurestiului a devenit un obiectiv turistic serios, majoritatea celor pe care ii veti intalni intr-o escapada exotica la Therme fiind straini.

Restaurantul Van Humboldt poarta numele faimosului explorator si naturalist german, iar decorul vegetal se refera la stratificatia pe inaltimi a plantelor, documentata de acesta
Eu m-am simtit aici ca intr-o sera uriasa, cu acea atmosfera de caldura umeda specifica dar mai ales abundenta de verde exotic data de palmierii inalti de peste 7 metri, sutele de orhidee si nenumaratele plante decorative, toate naturale. Iar peretele alb ondulat de corian, cu insertii luminoase ciclam si cumva Sci-Fi din zona The Palm, mi-a amintit de designul signature al celebrului Karim Rashid, in timp ce privirea urca nestngherita catre cer prin acoperisul imens si retractabil din sticla. In mod evident, locul este un masterpiece de arhitectura, design si deco, un spatiu ecologic ce aduna, cu ajutorul tehnologiei si resurselor regenerabile, elementele de baza ale vietii, pronind de la apa si vegetatie si adaugand principii de wellness, sanatate si cultura.
Am inceput escapada la Therme in sauna Alhambra, cu Ritualul Oriental Morning, unde Alexandra, maestru Aufguss, ne-a invaluit cu uleiuri esentiale de patchouli, busuioc, oregano, cimbru, ghimbir, geranium si eucalipt, pe care le-a trimis catre noi in cascade fierbinti, punctate de spargerea, din cand in cand, a unor bulgari mari de gheata pe carbunii incinsi.
Dupa ce m-am racorit pe terasa exterioara din zona Elysium si am facut un dus cu apa rece, am plutit o vreme in piscina cu seleniu si zinc, intr-un fel de stare generala somatica de stand-by. Considerate adevarate izvoare ale tineretii, baile cu aceste oligoelemente protejeaza celulele corpului de efectele daunatoare ale radicalilor liberi si ajuta la incetinirea procesului de imbatranire a pielii. Am intinerit putin, apoi m-am dus in sauna Provence, gata pentru Ritualul Liquid Gold, un beauty treatment de peeling cu miere, pentru hidratare si hranire a pielii, facut la finalul etapei de sauna cu uleiuri esentiale de lavanda si eucalipt.
Dupa relaxarea pe sezlong, intre palmieri, am plutit 5 minute in psicina cu sare de la Marea Moarta, n-am rezistat mai mult, este destul de intepatoare, concentratia de sare fiind foarte mare, simteam o serie de piscaturi pe piele, asa ca am iesit. Este indicata in tratarea si echilibrarea functiilor tegumentare, regenerarea musculara si mentinerea sanatoasa a aparatului osteoarticular.
Am ajuns la timp la Tao Mantra, in sauna Himalaya (tapetata cu pereti din sare Himalaya), unde Beatrice ne-a fost ghid de meditatie, printr-un ritual de activare mentala, constientizare, concentrare si vizualizare de imagini paradisiace sau familiare, care a inceput prin aplicarea in mijlocul fruntii fiecaruia a unui punct din argila, ulei de lavanda, geranium si mir. Scopul este atingerea unui echiibru emotional, diminuarea insomniei si a iritabilitatii, in timp ce sauna calda salina detoxifica si imbunatateste capacitatea pulmonara. Mi-a placut, a fost inedit si am simtit cum mi se curata sinusurile si respiratia devine mult mai usoara si fluida.
Dupa escapada obligatorie pe terasa exterioara si dusul rece, care au rolul de a regla temperatura organismului, plus hidratarea corespunzatoare, credeam ca am terminat cu saunele – nota bene: nu-mi place sa fac sauna – daaar, fiind vorba tot despre o sauna uscata si in plus, cu o vedere panoramica, n-am rezistat tentatiei de a experimenta inca ceva, si anume Ritualul Fruity Ice in sauna Amazon, unde uleiurile esentiale de citrice (mandarina, portocala rosie, grapefruit) m-au invaluit in valuri fierbinti printre coroanele verzi si stufoase ale palmierilor. Dupa sauna, m-am racorit la Calla Shower, o instalatie superba ca un buchet gigantic de cale, inalte de 4 metri, din care curge cu eleganta apa rece.
Last but not least, am ales masajul Therme Signature, facut cu unt de shea si ulei esential de geranium, ce are proprietati antiinfectioase si imunostimulatoare, dar si anti-anxietate. Procedura alterneaza pietrele reci de marmura, tinute pe gheata, cu pietrele vulcanice fierbinti, plasate pe diferite zone ale corpului si apoi folosite in masajul complet. Caldura pietrelor vulcanice ajuta la decontractarea musculara, iar cele reci reduc inflamatia si tonifica tesutul, rezultatul fiind un organism echilibrat si revitalizat. Karen, terapeuta filipineza, a folosit uleiul de geranium pentru masajul fruntii si al cefei, ceea de mi-a dat o senzatie placuta de refresh si calm.
Preferatele mele din zona de relaxare Elysium sunt insa paturile cu infrarosu, Infrared-Light Beds, plasate pe o terasa suspendata sus, printre coroanele palmierilor, o zona mai linistita, protejata de frunzele groase ale arborilor. Razele infrarosii stimuleaza circulatia sangvina si cresc capacitatea de regenerare si vindecare a organismului, si au un efect benefic asupra pielii, tenul devenind vizibil mai luminos si ferm.
I could watch the water for hours, without getting bored. This is how I start my morning at the sea, at 8 o’clock, when I sit on the sand and watch the water, listen to the waves, watch the sun rise lazily after receiving applause at the magnificent sunrise show, I inspire the smell of salt, algae and preferably a strong and aromatic coffee. I never get bored and I don’t know how time goes by. I do not know if I am happy or if I have cleared my mind or I am thinking of something during this time. I do not meditate nor levitate. But I feel that every wave and every glimmer of water surrounds me with magical energy, intense but calm, at the border between reality and fantasy.
This state is known as the Blue Mind, described by oceanologist Wallace J. Nichols as “a meditative state characterized by calm, peace, balance and a general feeling of happiness and satisfaction, which you reach when you are in or near the water.” This contemplative state of life generated by water is favored by relaxation in a natural environment, and in addition, any change that occurs on the surface of the water attracts the eye, and the brain releases dopamine, which contributes to a general well-being.
In this context, Therme Bucharest seems to me a kind of gift made by the nature to this beautiful but dusty city (another ubiquitous feature throughout history in our capital), which have been carved by ingenious teams of engineers, biologists, botanists, architects, designers, decorators and specialists in wellness, entertainment and gastronomy.
Launched in 2016, Therme Bucharest is the largest Therme center in Europe, built in greenfield concept, on an area of 250,000 square meters, with an indoor area of 37,000 square meters, hosting the largest botanical garden in Romania, with over 800,000 plants, among which over 1,500 palm trees. The geothermal water extracted from 3,100 meters deep is microbiologically pure, goes through a complex treatment process and is rich in mineral salts, copper, zinc, selenium, calcium, magnesium, and its temperature in the 10 pools is around 33 Celsius degrees. With the opening of Therme Bucharest, the capital of Romania has become the largest thermal city in Europe, next to the first and the oldest historically certified thermal capital: Rome. I would add that the new attraction of Bucharest has become a serious tourist objective, most of which you will meet in an exotic getaway to Therme being foreign.

Van Humboldt restaurant is named after the famous German explorer and naturalist, and the vegetal decoration refers to the stratification by height of the plants, documented by him.
I felt like in a huge greenhouse, with the atmosphere of specific humid warmth but especially the abundance of exotic green given by tall palm trees over 7 meters, hundreds of orchids and countless decorative plants, all natural. And the white wall corrugated in Corian, with fuchsia light inserts, somehow Sci-Fi from The Palm area, reminded me of the signature design of the famous Karim Rashid, in while the gaze ascended steadily to the sky through the huge retractable glass roof. Obviously, the place is a masterpiece of architecture, design and deco, an ecological space that gathers, with the help of technology and renewable resources, the basic elements of life, pronouncing from water and vegetation and adding principles of wellness, health and culture.
I started the Therme getaway in the Alhambra sauna, with the Oriental Morning Ritual, where Alexandra, master Aufguss, wrapped us with essential oils of patchouli, basil, oregano, thyme, ginger, geranium and eucalyptus, which she sent to us in hot waterfalls, punctuated by the breaking, from time to time, of large ice boulders on hot coals.
After I cooled off on the outdoor terrace in the Elysium area and took a shower with cold water, I floated for a while in the pool with selenium and zinc, somehow of general somatic state of stand-by. Considered true sources of youth, baths with these trace elements protect the body’s cells from the harmful effects of free radicals and help slowing down the aging process of the skin. I rejuvenated a bit, then went to the Provence sauna, ready for the Liquid Gold Ritual, a beauty treatment of honey peeling, for moisturizing and nourishing the skin, made at the end of the sauna phase with essential oils of lavender and eucalyptus.
After relaxing on the sunbed, between the palm trees, I floated for 5 minutes in the pool with salt from Dead Sea, but I couldn’t stand it anymore, it is quite stingy, the salt concentration being very high, I felt a series of pits on the skin, so I’m out. It is indicated in the treatment and balancing of the skin functions, muscle regeneration and healthy maintenance of the osteoarticular apparatus.
I arrived in time at Tao Mantra, in the Himalayan sauna (walled with Himalayan salt walls), where Beatrice was our guide for meditation, through a ritual of mental activation, awareness, concentration and visualization of paradise or familiar images, which began by applying in the middle of each forehead a spot of clay, lavender oil, geranium and myrrh. The goal is to achieve an emotional balance, to reduce insomnia and irritability, while hot sauna saline detoxifies and improves lung capacity. I liked it, it was new and I felt my sinuses melt and my breathing becomes much easier and more fluid.
After the obligatory getaway on the outdoor terrace and the cold shower, which have the role of regulating the body temperature, plus the proper hydration, I thought I ended the saunas – note: I do not like to do sauna – but, being all about a dry sauna and besides, with a panoramic view, I did not resist the temptation to experience something else, namely the Fruity Ice Ritual in the Amazon sauna, where the essential citrus oils (tangerine, red orange, grapefruit) enveloped me in hot waves among green and bushy crowns of palm trees. After the sauna, I cooled down at the Calla Shower, a magnificent installation like a gigantic 4-meter high path, from which the elegant cold water flows.
Last but not least, I chose the Therme Signature massage, made with shea butter and geranium essential oil, which has anti-infectious and immunostimulatory properties, as well as anti-anxiety. The procedure alternates the cold marble stones, kept on ice, with the hot volcanic stones, placed on different areas of the body and then used in the complete massage. The warmth of the volcanic stones helps to relax the muscles, and the cold ones reduce the inflammation and tone the tissue, the result being a balanced and revitalized body. Karen, a Filipino therapist, used geranium oil for forehead and head massage, which gave me a pleasant feeling of refresh and calm.
My favorite in the Elysium relaxation area are the infrared beds, Infrared-Light Beds, placed on a terrace suspended above, between the crowns of the palm trees, a quieter area, protected by the thick leaves of the trees. Infrared rays stimulate blood circulation and increase the body’s ability to regenerate and heal, and have a beneficial effect on the skin, making the skin visibly brighter and firmer.
Photo credits: Therme Bucharest, personal archive Ruxandra Chiurtu