85, 60, 55

La acest inceput de ianuarie am mers incognito la 3 centre de masaj de cartier, pe care le-am ales aleator, dupa ce mi-am intrebat prietenele unde au facut un masaj bun si eficient, in jurul sumei de 60 lei.
Ideea a aparut prin toamna, cand imi pregateam prezentarea si speech-ul pentru Termalia, evenimentul cu participare internationala dedicat Spa & Wellness, unde am fost invitata sa vorbesc despre industria de wellness in raport cu promovarea si social media.

Vorbim despre “experienta Spa” ca element esential diferentiator pentru si intre Spa-urile consacrate, compus dintr-o multitudine de ingrediente, care pana la urma trebuie sa justifice de ce cineva ar alege un masaj de relaxare la 150 lei versus acelasi masaj de relaxare, la fel de bine facut (poate chiar mai bine uneori), la 60 lei, la un centru de cartier. Cum se face alegerea si cum se ia decizia? De cele mai multe ori, nu costul determina alegerea.

Relaxarea este o experienta pretioasa, mult-ravnita insa destul de greu de obtinut, in cautarea careia pornim cu totii la un moment dat, constient sau inconstient. Cand este vorba de relaxarea prin masaj, ritualuri sau terapii corporale,  lucrurile se complica, prin faptul ca, practic te dezbraci in pielea goala si lasi o persoana straina, pe care atunci o intalnesti prima data, sa-ti vada intreaga goliciune si sa te atinga pe tot corpul, cel putin o ora. Ei bine, sunt multi oameni care nu pot trece peste acest prag de intimitate si de aceea nu au facut niciodata un masaj.

Priceperea terapeutului este un lucru esential, insa nu suficient. Se adauga niste detalii importante, care inclina balanta intr-o parte sau alta: decor, ambianta generala, lumina, muzica, mirosuri, arome, temperatura, protocoale de lucru, interactiune client-terapeut, discretie, praguri de intimitate, creme/uleiuri/ingrediente folosite, igiena, texturi, si ar mai fi cateva.

Sa revenim la centrele mici de masaj, pe care le-am denumit generic aici ca” saloanele de masaj de cartier”, aflate in apartamente de bloc, unde va invit sa ma insotiti in cele ce urmeaza.

Holistic Wellness este conceput ca “mind and body studio” si ofera o gama de servicii adiacente acestui slogan, precum life coaching, terapie Bowen, psihoterapie dar si cateva tipuri de masaj. Am ales un masaj de relaxare de 50 minute/60 lei.

Terapeut: Cornelia. A fost un masaj de relaxare bun, corect, ce a inclus si masajul scalpului si al cefei si a tinut cont de rugamintea mea de la inceput de a folosi o apasare usoara, cel mult medie. Mi-a placut uleiul folosit, atat consistenta cat si compozitie, despre care Cornelia spunea ca are o formula facuta de ea dintr-un mix de uleiuri de struguri, fructul pasiunii si miere.
Ce nu mi-a placut: spatiul minuscul si improvizat care a servit drept camera de masaj, delimitat printr-un paravan din suprafata bucatariei; nu e tocmai placut sa auzi cum la 2 metri de tine cineva deschide robinetul sau face o cafea, se cam duce relaxarea.

Inca ceva: ca om de comunicare, am fost impresionata sa gasesc pe website-ul lor sectiunea de Misiune- Viziune-Valori.


aiMasaj.ro te intampina online cu un mesaj amuzant: “Ai relaxare de la A la … Zen!” si se pare ca este unul dintre cele mai frecventate centre de masaj de catre bucuresteni, ceea ce am observat si eu, caci atat la venire cat si la plecare, m-am intersectat in camera de asteptare cu vreo 3 doamne si un domn, toti in jur de 35 ani.

Am ales un masaj Lomi Lomi de 50 minute/85 lei. Terapeut: Alexandra. Pe patul de masaj, peste prosop, erau pregatite frumos pungutele cu papuci, bentita si lenjerie de unica folosinta.
In camera, o tavita cu elemente marine, scoici si plante mici, cu lumanari aprinse. Decorul, in general potrivit unui spatiu de wellness, se vede ca exista o preocupare in acest sens, insa cu unele scapari pe detalii, precum jaluzeaua de pe usa camerei de masaj, din lamele orizontale de plastic alb, venita cumva din spatiul unui office din anii ’90.

Revenind la masaj, mi-a placut metoda folosita de Alexandra, de a imbina miscarile alunecoase si unduitoare specifice Lomi Lomi, facute cu antebratul, cu accente de presopunctura, a fost intr-adevar relaxant si eficient.

Un plus pentru reminder si textul acestuia. Smart customer care 😉

Salon Juliette este la parterul unui bloc interbelic de vizavi de Liceul Lazar, intr-un apartament mare, si primul lucru pe care l-am remarcat a fost parchetul frumos, patinat, vechi, insa bine intretinut. In rest, un decor prietenos, feminin, specific unui salon ce se promoveaza in special prin servicii de mani-pedi si coafor, asa cum se vede din pagina de Facebook.

In camera de masaj era semi-intuneric, cu lumina difuza de lumanari, iar decorul, corect pentru destinatia sa. Terapeut: Mitra. Mitra este din Iran, are o personalitate calda si mi-a facut un masaj de relaxare cu ciocolata foarte bun, prin tehnica sa proprie, ce include miscari de apasare si framantare usoara a corpului, rezultatul fiind cel dorit, de destindere placuta. Cred ca cine ajunge la mana ei, revine 🙂
Si chiar daca salonul nu se promoveaza prin serviciile de masaj, in mod sigur acesta poate fi un atu considerabil.
Masaj de relaxare cu ciocolata: 50 minute/55 lei.

Au fost 3 experiente inedite, cu plusuri si minusuri, depinde din ce unghi le privesti.
In loc de concluzie, las deschis subiectul, calatoria mea prin lumea Spa&Wellness continua, fie ca vorbim despre luxury Spas sau saloanele mici de masaj, insa este clar ca se simte nevoia unor repere. Eu simt asta de fiecare data cand cineva ma intreaba (si se intampla des): “Care este cel mai bun Spa din Bucuresti/Romania? Ce masaje recomanzi si unde?”

English version text:
This early January I went incognito to three little massage centers (so called Street Spas), which I chose randomly after asking my friends where they did a good and effective massage around the amount of 60 lei.
The idea came out in the autumn when I was preparing my presentation and speech for Termalia, the international conference dedicated to Spa & Wellness, where I was invited to talk about the wellness industry in terms of promotion and social media.

We talk about “Spa experience” as an essential differentiating element for and between the established Spa, composed of a multitude of ingredients, which eventually has to justify why someone would choose a relaxing massage at 150 lei versus the same relaxation massage, just as well (maybe even better sometimes) at 60 lei, at a neighborhood massage center. How is the choice made and how to make the decision? Often, cost does not determine choice.

Relaxation is a precious, long-awaited experience but rather difficult to obtain, in search of which we all start at a time, conscious or unconscious. When it comes to relaxing with massage, rituals or body therapies, things get complicated by the fact that you practically undress in naked skin and leave a foreign person, whom you then meet for the first time, to see your whole nakedness and to get yourself touching the whole body for at least one hour. Well, there are many people who cannot overcome this privacy threshold and that’s why they never did a massage.

The therapist’s skill is an essential, but not enough. Add some important details that balance the balance to one side or another: decoration, general ambiance, light, music, odors, flavors, temperature, work protocols, client-therapist interaction, discretion, intimacy, creams / used ingredients, hygiene, textures, and there would be a few.

Let’s go back to the small massage centers, which we have here generically called “neighborhood massage centers”, located in apartment flats, where I invite you to join me in the following.

Holistic Wellness is designed as a “mind and body studio” and offers a range of services alongside this slogan, such as life coaching, Bowen therapy, psychotherapy and several types of massage. I chose a relaxing massage of 50 minutes / 60 lei.
Therapist: Cornelia. It was a correct, good relaxation massage that included the massage of the scalp and the neck and took into account my request from the beginning to use a light, medium pressure at least. I liked the used oil, both consistency and composition, about which Cornelia said she had a combined formula of it from a mix of grape oils, passion fruit and honey. What I did not like: the tiny and improvised space that served as a massage room, bounded by a screen on the surface of the kitchen; it’s not really nice to hear how at 2 feet of you someone opens the tap or makes a coffee, it’s not relaxing.
Another thing: as a communication person, I was impressed to find on their website the Mission-Vision-Values ​​section.

AiMasaj.ro welcomes with a funny message online: “You have relaxation from A to … Zen!” and it seems to be one of the most frequented massage centers in Bucharest , which I noticed, because both on my arrival and the departure, I intersected in the waiting room with some 3 ladies and a gentleman, all around 35 years old.
I chose a Lomi Lomi massage 50 minutes / 85 lei. Therapist: Alexandra. On the massage bed, over the folded towel, the bags with slippers, headband and disposable underwear were beautifully prepared. Inside the room, a tray with marine decoration elements, shells and small plants with lit candles. The decor, generally according to a wellness area, shows that there is a concern in this respect, but with some details, such as the blinds on the massage room door, white plastic horizontal blades, somehow coming from an office space in the ’90s.
Returning to the massage, I liked the method used by Alexandra to combine Lomi Lomi’s specific slippery and gliding movements, made with the forearm, with acupressure accents, was really relaxing and effective.

Juliette salon is on the ground floor of an interwar block opposite Lazar High School, in a large apartment, and the first thing I noticed was the beautiful, old, but good floor maintain. Otherwise, a friendly, feminine décor, specific to a salon that is promoted in particular by manicure-pedicure and hairstyle services, as seen from the Facebook page.
In the massage room it was semi-dark, with warm candle light, and the decor, right for its destination. Therapist: Mitra. Mitra is from Iran, has a warm personality and made me a very good chocolate relaxation massage with her own technique, including pushing and light kneading moves, the result being the desirable relaxing pleasure. I think who gets to her hand, returns 🙂 and even if the salon is not promoted by massage services, surely this can be a considerable asset.
Relaxing Massage with Chocolate: 50 minutes / 55 lei.

There were 3 new experiences, with pluses and minuses, depending on what angle you are looking at.
Instead of concluding, I leave the subject open, my journey through the world of Spa & Wellness continues, whether we are talking about luxury Spas or small massage parlors, but it is clear that there is a need for landmarks. I feel this every time someone asks me (and happens often): “Which is the best spa in Bucharest /Romania? What massage do you recommend and where?”


Photo credits: Holistic Wellness, AiMasaj, Salon Juliette, personal archive Ruxandra Chiurtu

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