Tuscany Spa at Palazzo Livorno

Considerat unul dintre cele mai frumoase hoteluri din lume, Grand Hotel Palazzo din Livorno este intr-adevar maiestuos si impresionant, iar fiecare pas pe culoarele cu marmura veche in care se reflecta vitraliile ferestrelor este ca o incursiune in timp, in perioada Belle Epoque. Asezat pe faleza, pe Via del Passeggio, inconjurat de o gradina cu vegetatie specific mediteraneana, luxul din interior este completat de panorama albastra a marii care ti se deschide infinita in fata ochilor de la ferestrele din camere. Acum, la 140 de ani de la inaugurarea sa din 1884, luxul contemporan intalneste luxul istoric al legendarului hotel prin confort, decor, calitatea serviciilor oferite, iar aici as puncta inclusiv savoarea, varietatea si calitatea micului dejun, care in fiecare zi are un preparat surpriza, de obicei desert, semnalat discret prin eticheta “l’ispirazione dello Chef”.

Pastram ideea de desfatare a simturilor si mergem pe Wellness Path catre Tuscany Spa, ascunsa la subsolul Palazzo, ce cuprinde o baie cu abur, sauna finlandeza, zona de relaxare, aromaterapie, dusuri emotionale cu lumina & sunet, o piscina cu cromoterapie, plus o gama larga de masaje si tratamente.

Am ales Candle Massage, masajul senzorial cu lumanare calda, conceput pentru stimularea simturilor, ce foloseste o lumânare cu ceara speciala din uleiuri esentiale și unt de shea. Când ajunge la temperatura optima, ceara din lumânare se transforma în ulei. Este unul dintre preferatele mele, un tratament special care genereaza un confort extraordinar, un sentiment unic pentru trup si suflet. Combinatia dintre caldura, stimularea zonelor energetice, subtilitatea uleiului si parfumul deosebit transforma masajul intr-o experienta de relaxare intensa, care totodata tonifiaza, hraneste si catifeleaza pielea.  Senzatia de rasfat deplin este benefica iar parfumul de iasomie de pe piele s-a pastrat pe parcursul intregii zile, pana tarziu, cand s-a impletit cu sarea si mirosul de alge aduse de briza marii pe inserat, la cina cu linguine alle vongole de pe plaja.

Terasa de la etajul 5, cu piscina si restaurantul Mascagni imbie la un pahar de vin cu vedere panoramica la spectacolul romantic al apusului pe mare, unde se intrezaresc in departare insulele din arhipelagul toscan, ca intr-o pictura impresionista ce-a desavarsit periplul hedonist pe care l-am trait la Grand Palazzo in aceasta primavara.
Cosi, rilassanti momenti di benessere, in un’atmosfera magica che suscita tante emozioni.

English version text:

Considered one of the most beautiful hotels in the world, the Grand Hotel Palazzo in Livorno is truly majestic and impressive, and every step along the ancient marble corridors where the stained glass windows is reflected in it like a foray into time, into the Belle Époque period. Located on the seafront, on Via del Passeggio, surrounded by a garden with typical Mediterranean vegetation, the interior luxury is complemented by the blue panorama of the sea that opens before your eyes from the windows of the rooms. Now, 140 years after its inauguration in 1884, contemporary luxury meets the historical luxury of the legendary hotel through comfort, decoration, the quality of the services offered, and here I would also point out the taste, variety and quality of the breakfast, which every day has a preparation the surprise, usually dessert, discretely signaled by the label “l’ispirazione dello Chef”.

We keep the idea of ​​delighting the senses and go on the Wellness Path to the Tuscany Spa, hidden in the basement of the Palazzo, which includes a steam bath, Finnish sauna, relaxation area, aromatherapy, emotional showers with light & sound, a swimming pool with chromotherapy, plus a wide range of massages and treatments.

I chose the Candle Massage, the sensory massage with a warm candle, designed to stimulate the senses, which uses a special wax candle made of essential oils and shea butter. When it reaches the optimal temperature, the wax in the candle turns into oil. It is one of my favorites, a special treatment that generates extraordinary comfort, a unique feeling for body and soul. The combination of heat, stimulation of energy zones, the subtlety of the oil and the special perfume transform the massage into an experience of intense relaxation, which at the same time tones, nourishes and softens the skin.  The feeling of complete pampering is beneficial and the jasmine scent on the skin was preserved throughout the day, until late, when it was intertwined with the salt and the smell of the sea brought by the sea breeze in the evening, at dinner with linguine alle vongole on the beach.

The terrace on the 5th floor, with the outdoor swimming pool and the Mascagni restaurant, invites to sip a glass of wine with a panoramic view of the romantic spectacle of the sunset on the sea, where the islands of the Tuscan archipelago can be seen in the distance, as in an impressionist painting that has perfected the hedonistic journey which I experienced at the Grand Palazzo this spring.

Photo credits: personal archive Ruxandra Chiurtu, Tuscany Wellness & Spa, Grand Hotel Palazzo

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