De cativa ani, drumurile mele zilnice spre casa trec pe langa Intercontinental si de multe ori, dimineata, zambesc cand ajung in dreptul geamurilor Corso Brasserie, imaginandu-mi cum oaspetii hotelului isi savureaza cafeaua frunzarind un ziar (old-school relaxed generation), isi butoneaza telefonul dand like-uri pe Facebook si verificandu-si mailul (all active generation) sau pur si simplu privesc prin geamurile fumurii ale restaurantului catre piateta de la Arhitectura, peste agitatia din trafic (reflecting wanna be type). Imi place sa cred ca daca as intra, mi-as inchide telefoanele si m-as abandona aromei unui caffe latte, insotita, evident, de placerea pura a catorva pain au chocolat. Probabil as rezista fara sa le imortalizez intr-un Instagram photo garantat aducator de multe inimioare … dar nu sunt prea sigura.
Bref, intr-o duminica am convocat cativa prieteni si am venit impreuna la Corso pentru Brunchissimo, exact cum spune Mr. Lobster, simpaticul personaj de pe afis: “Hello, I’m breakfast, meet me for lunch!”
Cum am intrat, s-a dovedit ca cei mai relaxati oameni din incapere erau domnii si doamnele din personalul de servire, care ne-au intampinat zambind si pusi pe glume, dar intr-un mod discret, placut, fara a ne invada spatiul personal si care pe durata celor 4 ore de brunch erau invizibili si omniprezenti, asa ca paharul meu de sampanie a fost plin mereu, oricat m-am straduit sa-l golesc, aparea din senin o sticla din care cineva turna the bubbling white dry drink 😉
Am inceput rasfatul papilelor gustative cu branzeturile, unde m-am indragostit la prima vedere de Burrata, care la prima degustare s-a dovedit a fi dragoste adevarata. Cum altfel ar fi putut fi, cand saculetii albi de mozzarella proaspata adapostesc un amestec dumnezeiesc de smantana si mozzarella, cu o textura irezistibil de fina si imbietoare? Am asezat-o cu grija pe un pat de rucola si rosii cherry, mai mult pentru contrast de culoare, si nu ca ar fi avut nevoie de vreun acompaniament de gust.
Am continuat cu mix-uri de salate fresh si creveti cu mousse de legume, urmati de un echipaj de mini-tartine de somon fume decorate frumos cu capere si marar, insotite de delicioase amestecuri de fructe de mare marinate, servite in boluri de portelan alb.
Cand am trecut impasibila pe langa cornul abundentei de fripturi si gratare apetisante de vita, porc si pui, impanate sau ingemanate, acompaniate de o paleta intreaga de sosuri fine si garnituri, si m-am oprit langa somonul urias gatit in crusta groasa de sare, mi-am dat seama ca incepusem, inconstient, simfonia mediteraneeana pura, asa ca m-am lasat prada acordurilor sale. Asa am descoperit gustul incantator si suculent al somonului scaldat intr-un misterios sos de lamaie. Partitura a continuat tumultos si pasional cu stridiile, pentru a se incheia apoteotic cu aria homarului. De-li-cios!
La desert am cochetat cu una dintre preferatele mele, crème brûlée, apoi cu mousse de vanilie si lamaie, cateva tarte cu fructe, pentru a ceda iremediabil in fata fantanii cu ciocolata, via cateva mini-amandine decorate cu zmeura si capsuni. Ciocolata e partitura finala, si va marturisesc ca nici cheese cake-ul n-a scapat cu fata curata, caci, dupa ce am facut fotografia, l-am imbaiat generos in atotstapanitoarea si vesnic aromata ciocolata.
Da, Brunchissimo este o experienta de incercat, si inchei cu o fraza gasita chiar pe pagina de Facebook Intercontinental, care defineste acest Brunchy-Crunchy:
- Cozy, yet luxurious.
- Delicious, fabulous, memorable.
- A feeling that overwhelms everyone in Corso Brasserie Intercontinental every Sunday around noon, being very similar to what we call “happiness”.
For several years, my way home pass daily near Intercontinental, and often in the morning I smile when I arrive right near the windows of Corso Brasserie, imagining how hotel guests enjoy the coffee, leafing through a newspaper (old-school relaxed generation), checking their smart phone giving likes on Facebook and responding to mails (all active generation) or simply look through the tinted windows from the restaurant to Architecture plaza over the bustle of traffic (reflecting wanna be type). I like to think that if one morning I decide to step inside, I would close my phones and abandon to a latte flavor, accompanied, of course, by the pure pleasure of some pains au chocolat. I would probably resist without immortalize them in an Instagram photo guaranteed bringer of many hearts … but I’m not too sure.
Bref, in a Sunday I called a few friends and came together at Corso for Brunchissimo, exactly as says Mr. Lobster, the sympathetic character on the poster: “Hello, I’m breakfast, meet me for lunch!“As we entered, it turned out that the most relaxed people in the room were the gentlemen and ladies of staff serving, they greeted us with a smile and put on jokes, but in a discreet, pleasant way, without invading our personal space and during the 4 hours of brunch they were invisible and omnipresent, so my champagne glass was always full, no matter how I tried to empty it, appeared out of nowhere, someone poured a bottle of the drink bubbling dry white 😉
We started with cheese spoiling the taste buds, where I felt in love at first sight on Burrata, who at first tasting proved to be true love. How else might have been, when the sachets white fresh mozzarella host a divine mixture of sour cream and mozzarella, with a texture irresistibly soft and appealing? I placed it carefully on a bed of arugula and cherry tomatoes, more for the reason of color contrast, and not that it needed any accompaniment taste. I continued with mixes of salads fresh and shrimp mousse vegetables, followed by a crew of mini – sandwiches of smoked salmon beautifully decorated with capers and dill, accompanied by delicious mixture of seafood and served in bowls of white porcelain.
When I last impassive besides cornucopia of steaks and grills appetizing beef, pork and chicken, stuffed or twinned, accompanied by a wide entire fine sauces and seals, and I stopped near giant salmon cooked in thick salt crust, I realized that I was starting unconsciously a pure Mediterranean symphony, so I left prey to its agreements. So I found the charming and juicy taste of salmon bathed in a mysterious lemon sauce. The score continued tumultuous and passionate with oysters, to conclude triumphantly with lobster area. Delicious! For dessert I toyed with one of my favorites, crème brûlée, then vanilla and lemon mousse with a few fruit tarts to give irreparably before the fountain with chocolate, via some mini-amandine decorated with raspberries and strawberries. Chocolate’s final score, and confess that neither the cheese cake escaped with clean face, because after I made this picture, I bathed in all mighty and eternally generous flavored chocolate.
Yes, Brunchissimo is an experience to try and I will conclude with a phrase found on Facebook’s Page Intercontinental, that defines this Brunchy – Crunchy:
- Cozy, yet luxurious.
- Delicious, fabulous, memorable.
- A feeling that overwhelms everyone in Corso Brasserie Intercontinental every Sunday around noon, being very similar to what we call “happiness”.
Photo credits: Intercontinental Bucharest, Dan Mihai Balanescu, arhiva personala Ruxandra Chiurtu