Hike and Spa in Leukerbad

Cocheta localitate elvetiana Leukerbad este asezata intr-un podis inconjurat de Alpi si privita de sus, in ansamblu, de la cei 2.320 metri altitudine ai Gemmi Pass, e imaginea perfecta de carte postala.

Faimoasa inca de prin anii 1.500, cand incepuse sa se dezvolte in zona turismul termal, Leukerbad e punctul de plecare pentru hike-uri montane de dificultate medie. Noi am ales un hike de aproximativ 2 ore prin Gemmi Pass, asa ca am urcat 15 minute cu telecabina si apoi am inceput traseul avand in stanga lacul Daubensee.

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Am pranzit la impunatorul Schwarenbach Hotel, construit  din bucati mari de piatra cenusie si asezat pe-o culme, care m-a dus cu gandul la filmele cu James Bond si infruntarile finale, care, remember, majoritatea se intampla pe terasa unui hotel asezat la marginea unui hau din Alpii elvetieni.

Pacea și liniștea din jurul lacului Daubensee permit vizitatorilor să se elibereze rapid de stresul acumulat și sa se revitalizeze, bucurandu-se pe indelete de maretia naturii si linistea inconjuratoare. Acesta este si locul unde se desfasoara Festivalul Tradițional Ciobanesc, ce are loc în fiecare an, în ultima duminică a lunii iulie, când aproximativ 800 de oi coboara alene in sunet de talangi, pe malul lacului.

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La intoarcerea in Leukerbad eram destul de obositi, asa ca ne-am dus direct la baile termale, unde ne-am relaxat indelung sub jeturile de apa calduta si da, extrem de placuta si detensionanta.

Leukerbad Therme este cel mai mare Spa resort cu apa termala naturala din Alpi si beneficiaza de un volum urias de 3.9 milioane litri de bubbling waters la temperatura de pana 51°C ce umplu 10 bazine. Are sauna si un centru de Wellness & Health, unde se pot experimenta o multime de masaje si terapii de relaxare.

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De exemplu, eu am testat masajul corporal cu miere, care dureaza 35 minute si, in plus față de efectul de curățare, stimuleaza circulatia si ajuta la eliminarea toxinelor, echilibrand fluxul de energie și în același timp, acționează asupra întăririi sistemului nervos și imunitar. Masajul este excelent, fiind totodata o metodă ideală pentru bunăstarea generala, caci relaxeaza si catifeleaza pielea, care, in final, pastreaza ceva din mirosul acela placut si atat de specific mierii.

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jar of honey with honeycomb on wooden table

English text version:
The cosy Swiss village Leukerbad is situated in a plateau surrounded by the Alps and seen from above, as a whole, from the altitude of 2,320 meters Gemmi Pass, it is the perfect picture postcard. Famous through the years since 1500, when the area began to develop Spa tourism, Leukerbad is the starting point for lots mountain hike sites of medium difficulty.

We chose a hike of about 2 hours through the Gemmi Pass, so first climbed a 15-minute cable car route and then started to walk between mountains, having leftside Lake Daubensee.We stopped for lunch at the magnificent Hotel Schwarenbach, built of large pieces of gray stone and sat on a ridge, which led me to the James Bond films final clashes, which, remember, most are happening on the terrace of a hotel situated at the edge of an abyss in the Swiss Alps.Peace and tranquility around Lake Daubensee allow visitors to quickly release the accumulated stress and to revitalize, enjoying leisurely greatness surrounding nature and tranquility. This is also the venue for the traditional Shepherd Festival, held every year on the last Sunday of July, when about 800 sheep lazily down the sound of bells on the lake. Upon returning to Leukerbad I was pretty tired, so we went directly to the thermal baths where we relaxed long under warm water jets and yes, extremely pleasant and stress relieved. Leukerbad Therme Spa resort is the largest natural spring in the Alps and features a huge volume of 3.9 million liters of bubbling waters at 51 °C which fill up in 10 pools. It has a sauna and Wellness & Health Centre, where you can experience a lot of massages and relaxation therapies. For example, I tested the 35 minutes body massage with honey, which, in addition to the cleaning effect, stimulates circulation and helps eliminate toxins, balancing the flow of energy and at the same time acting on the nervous and immune system strengthening. Massage is excellent, and is also an ideal method for the general welfare, because relaxes and softens the skin, which ultimately retains something of that smell nice and so specific to honey.


Photo credits: personal archive Ruxandra Chiurtu, Leukerbad Therme, Wikimedia

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