Castelul Bran e unul din acele locuri minunate, unde as merge mereu sa privesc, sa admir, sa uit, sa visez si sa ma conectez la energia benefica si creativitatea omniprezenta pe care acesta o emana vizibil, invaluitor si reconfortant.
Construit in 1211 de cavalerii teutoni, resedinta in 1459 a domnitorului Vlad Tepes, apoi oferit Reginei Maria in 1920 de cetatenii Brasovului, castelul devine resedinta favorita a acesteia, care il restaureaza si reamenajeaza in stilul sau avangardist ca locuinta regala, iar terenul din jur e transformat intr-o superba gradina englezeasca, cu doua iazuri si o cocheta Casa de Ceai.
La fiecare sfarsit de august, curtea interioara a castelului gazduieste festivalul “Jazz at Bran Castle”, ceea ce confera placerii vizitarii castelului o noua dimensiune, cea a muzicii reflectate de zidurile pietruite si vechi de peste 800 de ani, experienta inedita pe care v-o recomand drept completare a magiei, mitului si istoriei ce definesc acest spatiu.
Bran Castle is one of those wonderful places where I always would like go to look, to admire, to forget, dream and to connect the beneficial energy and pervasive creativity that it exudes visible, enveloping and comforting.
Built in 1211 by Teutonic Knights, in 1459 was the residence of Vlad Tepes, and then offered to Queen Mary in 1920 by the citizens of Brasov, the castle becomes her favorite place, which she restored and refurbished in avant-garde style as the royal house, and the surrounding land was transformed into a beautiful English garden with two ponds and a cozy Tea House.
At the end of every August, the courtyard of the castle hosts the festival “Jazz at Bran Castle”, which gives to the pleasure of visiting the castle a new dimension, with music reflected on over 800 years old cobbled walls, a unique experience that I recommend as a complement of magic, myth and history that define this space.
Photo credits: Castelul Bran, arhiva personala Ruxandra Chiurtu