Relaxarea se invata. Mai greu, la un moment dat, dupa ce din frageda copilarie ni se spune si ni se cere sa fim atenti, sa ne concentram, sa observam totul in jur pentru a putea controla cat mai bine situatiile in care ne aflam. Ei bine, relaxarea inseamna mai mult decat concentrarea, caci presupune sa vezi ce-i in jurul tau conectandu-te la energiile bune, telurice, spatiale, vegetale, animale, umane si, descoperindu-le, sa-ti reglezi echilibrul interior la natura, in cautarea sinergiei perfecte.
Pentru vizita la Shiseido Spa mi-am rezevat 4 ore, o premiera chiar si pentru mine, acum, in al 4-lea an de cand testez Spa-uri si centre wellness si va povestesc apoi, prin articole, despre aceste experiente. Atmosfera japoneza incepe imediat cum intri pe usa, cu chimonourile inflorate ale receptionerelor, masuta joasa din lobby si candelabrul imens din bucati de sticla colorata ce coboara din tavan si domina incaperea. Am zambit, amintindu-mi cum priveam lumea prin cioburi sticla colorata in copilarie.
Culoarul ingust m-a dus apoi, prin semi-intuneric, la vestiar, unde am regasit chimonoul, piesa statement a intregului concept de amenajare, ce puncteaza, ca un fir calauzitor, diverse incaperi, expus generos langa un paravan delicat pictat cu flori de cires. Daca ar fi sa rezum conceptul de decor in 4 cuvinte, acestea sunt: chimono, semi-intuneric, rosu, lemn. Se adauga detalii fine de design si o implementare impecabila a atmosferei japoneze, ce te invaluie pas cu pas, precum o calatorie in lumea asiatica.
Pozitionat ca primul Spa international din Romania, Shiseido are cateva suite de terapie, o piscina, zone de relaxare, terasa exterioara cu vedere la padure, camera Zen de relaxare cu saltele cu apa si dispersoare de oxigen aromat, Hammam, sauna, camera cu dus Vichy, si un studio wellness.
Filozofia japoneza presupune ca frumusetea pielii, mintii si corpului nostru se datoreaza echilibrului creat de „QI”, energia vitala care circula libera prin trup. Tehnica „QI” este proprie marcii Shiseido, reprezentand filozofia de baza pentru toate Spa-urile Shiseido din lume. Prin stimularea punctelor de presiune tsubo, tehnica „QI” induce o stare de relaxare profunda si reda energia.
Am testat un masaj de hidratare Kuroho, bazat pe un protocol reprezentativ Shiseido, ce foloseste tehnici de masaj intr-o succesiune foarte precisa, menita sa relaxeze atat muscular, cat si sa echilibreze energetic organismul. Am simtit o combinatie de miscari de masaj de relaxare clasic, presopunctura, stretching, dar si niste miscari unduitoare specific masajelor Lomi Lomi. Dupa terminarea secventelor de masaj pe diferite portiuni ale corpului, terapeutul (in cazul meu Raluca) a folosit, pentru stergere si tamponare prosoapele calde si umede Oshibori specifice japonezilor si apoi a aplicat o crema Shisedio hidratanta. Mixul dintre tehnica „QI”, produsele Shiseido de ingrijire, prosoapele calde „Oshibori” si aroma-terapia intensifica prezenta ingredientelor active si patrunderea lor in piele.
Piscina interioara cu un perete complet din sticla si vedere la padure a fost apoi zona mea preferata de relaxare, unde am savurat un excelent ceai verde cu boabe de piper roz, foarte aromat si m-am bucurat de ciocolata mica ascunsa strategic in ceasca 🙂
E superba padurea toamna si este extrem de relaxant sa o privesti pe indelete dintr-o piscina cu apa calda, in timp ce gandurile ti se linistesc si se armonizeaza cu fosnetul frunzelor. Mi-a placut sa ma regasesc, sa-mi gasesc inspiratia si, sper, sa mai fac un pas catre acel echilibru mind, body and soul.
Shiseidō Spa, arigatō!
Adresa Shiseido Spa: Stejarii Country Club, strada Jandarmeriei 14A, Bucuresti
English version text:
Relaxation learns. Harder, at some point, after we are told in the early childhood and being asked to be careful, to focus, to observe everything in order to be able to better control the situations in which we are. Well, relaxation means more than concentrating, because it means to see what’s around you by connecting to the good energies, the tellurium, the space, the vegetal, the animal, the human, and, discovering them, to regulate the inner balance of nature, in search of perfect synergy.
For the visit to Shiseido Spa I spent 4 hours, meaning reserved so much time for the first time for me, now, in the 4th year since I tested Spa & wellness centers and then tell you, through articles, about these experiences. The Japanese atmosphere begins as you enter the door, with the flowering kimonos of the receptionists, the low table in the lobby, and the huge chandelier of colored glass that descends from the ceiling and dominates the room. I smiled, reminding myself of how I watched the world through colorful bottle glasses in childhood.
The narrow corridor then led me through semi-darkness to the locker room, where I found the kimono, the piece of statement of the whole design concept, pointing like a guiding thread, in various rooms, generously exposed by a delicate cherry blossoming painted shield. If I have to summarize the concept of decoration in 4 words, these are: kimono, semi-dark, red, wood. Add fine design details and an impeccable implementation of the Japanese atmosphere that envelops you step by step like a trip to the Asian world.
Positioned as the first international spa in Romania, Shiseido has several therapy suites, a swimming pool, relaxation areas, outdoor terrace overlooking the forest, Zen relaxation room with water mattresses and lenses aroma oxygen, Hammam, sauna, Vichy shower room, and a wellness studio.
Japanese philosophy implies that the beauty of our skin, mind and body is due to the balance created by QI, the vital energy that circulates freely through the body. The “QI” technique is unique to Shiseido, representing the basic philosophy of all Shiseido Spa in the world. By stimulating the tsubo pressure points, the QI energy induces a deep relaxation state and re-energizes.
I tested a Kuroho hydration massage, based on a representative Shiseido protocol, using massage techniques in a very precise sequence designed to relax both muscularly energy balance the body. I felt a combination of classic relaxation massage, acupressure, stretching, but also some stroking movements specific to Lomi Lomi massages. After completing the massage sequences on different body parts, the therapist (in my case, Raluca) used, to remove and buffe,r the warm and humid Oshibori towels specific to the Japanese, and then applied a moisturizing Shisedio cream. The mix of “QI” technology, Shiseido care products, warm “Oshibori” towels and aroma-therapy intensify the presence of active ingredients and their penetration into the skin.
The indoor pool with a full glass wall and view of the forest was my favorite relaxation area where I enjoyed excellent green tea with pink pepper, very aromatic, and I enjoyed the little chocolate hidden strategically in the cup 🙂
It’s a gorgeous autumn forest and it’s extremely relaxing to look at it out of a hot water pool, while your thoughts calm down and harmonize with the foliage of the leaves. I liked to find myself, to find my inspiration and, hopefully, to take another step towards that balance mind, body and soul.
Shiseidō Spa, arigatō!
Address Shiseido Spa: Stejarii Country Club, Jandarmeriei Street 14A, Bucharest, Romania
Photo credits: Shiseido Spa, personal archive Ruxandra Chiurtu