Intensive Speed Detox @Infrafit

Traim vremuri in care cuvinte precum bio, detox, raw, organic sunt vedetele titlurilor de articole in reviste sau rasfatatele social media, intotdeauna precedate de hashtag. Intr-o lume de fast-forward, unde lucrurile se succeda rapid, si sunt inlocuite adesea fara a ajunge la deplina maturitate, unde standardele reale sau de fatada ale statutului contemporan de lifestyle sunt fluturate la tot pasul sub egida “feeling awesome/feeling fabulous”, uitam sau ignoram cu buna-stiinta sa recunoastem ca our real feel is stressed…very stressed or frequently depressed.

Recunosc ca am urmarit din ce in ce mai sceptica parada online, frumos colorata, ce-i drept, a sticlutelor de plastic cu sucuri concentrate de fructe si legume ale multor furnizori de retete garantate de detox, care si-au gasit consumatori destui, evident, ca orice produs marketat vizibil pe piata. Insa e mult mai convingator si adesea, mai sanatos, un smoothie facut acasa 🙂

Bref, la un moment dat, plictisita de zgomotul facut de povestile “awesome detox”, am pornit in cautarea autenticului detox, caruia ii atribuisem instinctiv 3 calitati esentiale: bun-simt, explicatie stiintifica clara & simpla a mecanismului de actiune si supervizare medicala.

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Astfel am ajuns la Clinica Infrafit, si m-am tinut scai vreo doua saptamani dupa Raluca Iliescu, fondatoarea clinicii, pana a reusit, in pofida programului sau foarte incarcat, sa-mi acorde 30 de minute pentru o intalnire. Incurajata de zambetul sau luminos si deschis, am inceput sa o intreb detalii despre programele de detox in general si cele ale Infarfit, aducand in discutie suspiciunile si nelamuririle mele referitoare la acest subiect. Prin urmare:

  • Da, sucurile fresh, concentratele din fructe si legume dintr-un program detox se pastreaza in recipiente din sticla, nu de plastic, datorita denaturarii si pierderii componentelor active, atat de pretioase intr-o dieta. Cu atat mai mult, atunci cand vorbim despre sucuri facute dimineata, care trebuie consumate treptat pe durata unei zile, adica 12-14 ore. Plastic = efect zero.
  • Este esentiala componenta mix-urilor de legume si fructe proaspete folosite in aceste smoothies, de aceea se recomanda utilizarea unor formule perfect balansate, create de medici nutritionisti.
  • De exemplu, la INFRAFIT, programul de sucuri e bazat pe o licenţă cumpărată de la un recunoscut lanţ medical-Spa din Asia si conţine o explozie de nutrienţi, vitamine, oligoelemente, plus sute de enzime, ceea ce generează vitalitatea, imunitatea şi regenerarea celulară. Fiecare reţetă în parte este dezvoltata in laboratorul propriu INFRAFIT si corespunde unui interval orar al zilei foarte bine definit, sprijinind regenerarea fiecărui organ conform ritmului biologic zilnic.
  • Cura de detox trebuie precedata obligatoriu de 5-7 zile de dieta din care se exclud total proteinele animale (carne, lapte, oua, branza, peste, fructe de mare), alimentele procesate, prajite, alcoolul si fainoasele. Se consuma ceaiuri, sucuri proaspete, apa, seminte, nuci, migdale, caju, fistic, fructe si legume crude, la aburi sau gatite light. Aceasta etapa are rol pregatitor pentru etapa DETOX propriu zisa.
  • Detoxifierea este eliminarea periodica din organism a anumitor reziduuri toxice, cu scopul de a asigura o buna funcţionare a organelor si a restabili un mediu intern corect atat la nivel celular cat si al tuturor ţesuturilor. Detoxifierea organismului are beneficii incontestabile care se regasesc imediat asupra sanatatii, aspectului pielii si scaderii rapide in greutate.
  • Majoritatea bolilor se datorează acumulării continue de reziduuri si toxine in organism, care modifică mediile interne şi genereaza in timp atat un proces de îmbătrânire accelerată, cat şi apariţia a numeroase boli. Deşi, în condiţii normale, organismul dispune de propria capacitate de auto-detoxifiere si este capabil sa se curete si sa elimine singur, exista factori care ii limiteaza aceste procese precum: un stil de viata dezorganizat, nutritia necorespunzatoare, stress, etcetera.

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Asa ca, dupa o dieta pre-detox de 7 zile, am inceput primul meu program detox, si anume Intensive Speed Detox (5 zile),  recomandat ca basic de specialistii  INFRAFIT, singurul centru din Romania specializat in detox si medicina biologica.

Programul de 5 zile a presupus, pe langa cele 18-20 recipiente zilnice de sticla cu ceaiuri detox, sucuri concentrate si shots facute cu apa alcalina, care se consuma din ora in ora, incepand cu 10 dimineata pana la 23.00 seara, si efectuarea unei serii de proceduri esentiale derulate zilnic la clinica, pe parcursul a 2-3 ore. Am preferat sa le fac dimineata, astfel incat in fiecare zi, la ora 8.00 AM, urcam scarile superbei case de pe strada Icoanei, construita la sfarsitul anilor 1800 si decorata cu piese de mobilier clasic, ce gazduieste aparatura si tehnologie de ultima generatie folosita in programele detox, anti-ageing, regenerare celulara si tisulara, de-stress si consultatii medicale asigurate de o echipa vasta de medici specialisti.

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INFRAFIT Center has designed 5 identical suites located in the same building with the clinic itself for ease your DETOX program in terms of schedule and procedures. A welcoming, cozy and chic atmosphere, as well as a friendly design.

INFRAFIT Center has 5 identical suites located in the same building with the clinic itself for ease DETOX program in terms of schedule and procedures. A welcoming, cozy and chic atmosphere, as well as a friendly design.

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Prima procedura zilnica din Intensive Speed Detox este hidrocolonterapia, facuta cu Angel of Water, extrem de importanta pentru curatarea colonului si eliminarea toxinelor, avand in vedere ca, datorita nutritiei exclusiv lichide, metabolismul este incetinit si miscarile peristaltice se diminueaza aproape total, prin urmare nu mai are loc eliminarea naturala, fireasca a reziduurilor. A consuma doar lichide mai mult de 48 de ore, fără terapiile specifice de curăţare a colonului, rinichilor, ficatului, sistemului limfatic şi a glandelor sudoripare, generează o recirculare masivă a toxinelor în organism, ceea ce produce mai mult rău decât bine. Hidrocolonterapia cu Angel of Water, cel mai performant, non invaziv si eficient aparat pentru detoxifierea colonului dureaza aproximativ 35 minute. By the way, sucurile contin si probiotice, importante pentru refacerea microflorei intestinale.

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Urmatoarele doua proceduri zilnice sunt sauna cu infrarosu (20 minute) si inovativul INFAFIT X, un fel de bicicleta plasata intr-o capsula rosie cu lampi de infrarosu, la care se pedaleaza din pozitie aproape orizontala timp de 40 minute, cu monitorizarea pulsului, a vitezei si cu diverse trepte de dificultate configurate in programul digital.

INFRAFITX este, la ora actuala, cea mai performanta tehnologie mondiala pentru pierderea in greutate si in centimetri, prin accelerarea metabolismului de ardere a grasimii si cresterea consumului caloric, in timpul tratamentului grasimea nu este metabolizata prin intermediul ficatului, ci transformata in sursa primara de energie. Practic, organismul va consuma grasimea, in locul zaharului, drept sursa de energie.

Cum?  Prin actiunea razelor infrarosii din timpul terapiei, tesutul adipos este supra-incalzit pana la 3-4 cm adancime si in timpul tratamentului grasimea este eliberata in sistemul circulator prin adipocitele expuse razelor, fiind transportata prin circulatia sangelui in muschii fesieri care o transforma in energie.

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Cea de-a 4a procedura, facuta o data la doua zile, este masajul detox, adica o imbinare de drenaj limfatic cu masaj anticelulitic, ce da fermitate corpului, in timp ce rasfata pielea cu ulei din struguri si esenta de lavanda, pe care pur si simplu il ador. De la sine inteles ca acest regal desfasurat cu maini magice de Artemis a fost procedura mea preferata 😉

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My personal insights despre programul de detox: obisnuita cu hrana solida, recunosc ca mi s-a parut ciudat sa consum totul doar sub forma lichida. Nu am avut deloc senzatie de foame, sucurile sunt satioase, ceaiurile detox sunt racoritoare, insa uneori am simtit si nevoia sa beau apa, era o senzatie de sete care cerea apa si am baut. Pe durata celor 5 zile mi-am desfasurat activitatea in office obisnuita, insa am fost mai low energy decat de obicei, in mod firesc, de-altfel, organismul fiind supus unor schimbari metabolice si preocupat sa lucreze/sa curete in interior, deci majoritatea energiei vitale a mers catre aceste procese celulare de cleaning si regenerare.

Nota bene: oricine spune ca in timpul unei cure detox este high-energy, fie minte, fie consuma niste sucuri cu formule gresite, ce contin prea multe glucide sau, mai rau, au adaos de zahar, care da peste cap indicele glicemic si in loc sa repare organismul, il intoxica.

La incheierea Intensive Speed Detox parametrii mei corporali au fost:

  • 3 kg in minus (2 kg in cura pre-detox si 1 kg in cele 5 zile de detox program)
  • scaderea indicelui Body Fat% cu 2,5 unitati
  • 7 cm mai putin in talie
  • 3 cm mai putin circumferinta coapsei
  • celulita s-a diminuat cu 50%
  • pielea intregului corp vizibil mai luminoasa, neteda, catifelata si tonifiata; porii tenului sunt diminuati
  • varsta metabolica a organismului a scazut cu 1 an, deci am intinerit 😉

Overall, a fost o experienta foarte interesanta, benefica, pe care imi doresc sa o repet spre sfarsitul anului, probabil cu un program de Intensive Maintenance Detox de 3 zile. Va recomand sa incercati, s-ar putea sa va placa 🙂

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Scientific research has shown that emotional state as well as the physical and mental vitality are strongly enhanced through the use of BIODREAM therapy

Scientific research has shown that emotional state as well as the physical and mental vitality are strongly enhanced through the use of BIODREAM therapy.

English version text:

We live in times when words like bio, detox, raw, organic are spoiled subjects in magazines, or stars of social media, always preceded by hashtag. In a world of fast-forward, where things succeed quickly and are replaced often without reaching full maturity, where real standards or facade of the statute contemporary lifestyle are waved everywhere under “feeling awesome / feeling fabulous”, we forget or ignore knowingly recognize that our real feel stressed … is very stressed or depressed frequently.

I admit I watched  increasingly skeptical the online parade of beautifully colored, that’s right, of the plastic bottles juice concentrates,  from fruits and vegetables of many suppliers with recipes guaranteed to detox, which have found their consumers enough obviously as any product marketed visible. But it’s much more compelling and often healthier a homemade smoothie 😉

Brief, at one time, bored by the noise made by the stories “awesome detox” I went in search of the authentic detox, attributing it instinctively three essential qualities: sensible, clear & simple scientific explanation of the mechanism of action and supervisory care.That led me to INFRAFIT Clinic, and I kept searching as Velcro couple weeks after Raluca Iliescu, founder of the clinic, until she succeeded, despite of a busy program, to give me 30 minute for an appointment. Encouraged by her smile bright and open, I began to ask about detox programs in general and those of INFRAFIT, bringing into question my suspicions and concerns on this subject. Thus:

– Yes, fresh juices, concentrates of fruits and vegetables from a detox program are kept in glass containers, not plastic, because denaturation and loss of active components, so precious in a diet. Especially when talking about juices made in the morning, to be consumed gradually throughout the day, ie 12-14 hours. Plastic = zero effect.

– The components of fresh fruits mix and vegetables used in these smoothies are essential, that’s why is better to have balanced use of formulas created by nutritionists doctors. For example, INFRAFIT program juice is based on a license purchased from a recognized chain medical-spa in Asia and contains a burst of nutrients, vitamins, trace elements, plus hundreds of enzymes, which generates vitality, immunity and regeneration cell. Each recipe is developed in own laboratory INFRAFIT and corresponds to a time slot of the day very well defined, supporting each organ regeneration as daily biological rhythm.

– Be preceded the cure detox necessarily by a diet for 5-7 days excluding total animal protein (meat, milk, eggs, cheese, fish, seafood), processed foods, fried, alcohol and pasta. Consume teas, fresh juices, water, seeds, nuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, fruit and raw vegetables, steamed or cooked light. This step serves as a preparatory stage for the actual DETOX.

– Periodic detoxification is necessary to remove certain toxic residues in the body in order to ensure the proper functioning of organs and restore a proper internal environment at both the cellular and tissue of all. Detoxify the body has undeniable benefits that are found immediately on health, skin appearance and rapid decrease in weight.

– Most diseases are due to continuous accumulation of waste and toxins in the body that alter internal environments and generates in time so a process of accelerated aging and occurrence of many diseases. Although in normal circumstances, the body has its own self-detoxification capacity and is able to cleanse and eliminate alone, anyway there are factors that limit these processes such as disorganized lifestyles, inadequate nutrition, stress, and etcetera.

So, after a pre-detox diet for 7 days, I started my first detox schedule, namely Detox Intensive Speed ​​(5 days), recommended as basic by  INFRAFIT specialists, the only specialized center in Romania in detox and biological medicine.

5-day program involved, besides the 18 to 20 daily glass containers with detox teas, juice concentrates and shots, all made with alkaline water to be consumed every hour, from 10 am until 23.00 in the evening and make a series of essential procedures performed daily at the clinic, during 2-3 hours. I prefer to do them in the morning, so every day at 8:00 AM, I was climbing the stairs of gorgeous house on the Icoanei street, built in the late 1800s and decorated with pieces of antique furniture, hosting equipment and the latest technology used in detox programs, anti-aging, cell regeneration and tissue, de-stress and medical consultations provided by a vast team of medical specialists.

The first daily procedure from Intensive Speed ​​Detox is colon hydrotherapy made with Angel of Water, extremely important for cleaning the colon and remove toxins, considering that because nutrition fluids only, metabolism is slowed and peristalsis diminishes almost totally therefore natural elimination of residues doesn’t takes place. Consuming only liquids for more than 48 hours without specific therapies cleansing of the colon, kidney, liver, lymphatic system and sweat glands, generates a massive toxins circulating in the body, which causes more harm than good. Colon hydrotherapy with Angel of Water, the most powerful, non-invasive and effective device for colon detoxification lasts about 35 minutes. By the way, the juices contain probiotics, very important for restoring intestinal microflora.

The following two procedures daily made are infrared sauna (20 minutes) and innovative INFAFIT X, a kind of bike placed in a capsule with infrared red lamps, to which you pedal from almost horizontal position for 40 minutes, monitoring the pulse of speed and with various levels of difficulty configured digital program.

INFRAFIT X is, currently, the best world technology for weight loss and inch by speeding up the metabolism burning fat and increasing caloric consumption during treatment fat is metabolized through the liver, but turned into a primary energy source. Basically, the body will use fat instead of sugar as an energy source. How? By infrared rays during therapy, fat tissue is superheated up to 3-4 cm deep and during treatment fat is released into the bloodstream by the adipocytes exposed beams being transported through the blood circulation in the buttocks muscles that turn it into energy.

The fourth procedure, done every two days, massage detox, a combination of lymphatic drainage with cellulite massage, which give firmness to the body, while pampering your skin with oil from grapes and essence of lavender, which easily I adore. It goes without saying that this regal made with magical hands by Artemis was my favorite 😉

My personal insights about detox program: accustomed to solid food, I admit that it seemed strange to consume it only in liquid form. I had no hunger, juices are nourishing, detox teas are refreshing, but sometimes I felt the need to drink water, it was a demanding thirsty and drank water. During the 5 days I was going to office, but I was more low energy than usual, naturally, by-otherwise, the body is subjected to metabolic changes and preoccupied with work / clean the inside, so most vital energy went to these cellular processes of cleaning and regeneration.

Nota bene: whoever says that during a diet detox is highly-energized, probably doesn’t tell the truth, or consume some wrong juice formulas that contain too many carbohydrates or worse, have added sugar that bedevil glycemic index and in instead repair the body, poisoning it.

At the conclusion of my corporeal Intensive Speed ​​Detox parameters were:

  • minus 3 kg (2 kg in pre-cure detox and 1 kg 5 day detox program)
  • index decreased by 2.5 units Body Fat%
  • 7 cm less in waist
  • 3 cm thigh circumference less
  • cellulite diminished with 50%
  • whole body skin visibly bright, smooth and toned; skin pores are diminished
  • body’s metabolic age fell down by one year, so I rejuvenated 😉

Overall, it was a very interesting experience, beneficial, that I want to repeat later this year, probably with Maintenance Detox Intensive program 3 days. I recommend you to try, it’s possible to like it 🙂

Adresa Clinica INFRAFIT: strada Icoanei 40, Bucuresti


Photo credits: Clinica Infrafit, arhiva personala Ruxandra Chiurtu

One thought on “Intensive Speed Detox @Infrafit

  1. Ma tot gandesc de o perioada ca as incerca o cura din asta de intensiv detox, cu smothieuri. Mi se pare foarte interesant si sigur ar fi bun pentru organism, ca sa scap de toxine si sa curat organismul un pic. Multumesc pentru idee si descriere 🙂

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