Kavala, the hidden lifestyle beauty of Greece

Am ajuns la Kavala pe intuneric, intr-o seara de sfarsit de octombrie, zarind, sau mai degraba intuind in lumina farurilor si a lampilor stradale, siluetele caselor vechi, presarate pe drumurile inguste si pietruite intre cladirile noi, cu terase generoase, plante multe si parasolare colorate.

Abia cand am pasit in camera cu decor minimalist de la Hotel Galaxy si am iesit pe terasa, la vederea absolut superba a barcilor ce se unduiau usor in clipocitul valurilor, intr-un joc aparte de umbre si lumini, am simtit acel fior puternic al dorintei indeplinite intr-un mod neasteptat: eram pe malul marii, dar la poalele muntilor, toamna, intr-un loc ce reuneste spectaculos arhitectura veche cu stilul cosmopolit de urban lifestyle. The perfect place to be. Just Kavala.

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Dimineata, splendoarea s-a dezvaluit in toata generozitatea sa, cu forta orasului bizantin creat in secolul 7 inaintea erei noastre, numit atunci Neapolis si aflat apoi cateva sute de ani sub dominatia Imperiului Otoman, chiar in timpul domniei lui Suleiman Magnificul, perioada cand l-a avut guvernator pe Ibrahim Pasa, grec la origine, cel ce a iubit, protejat si a sustinut prosperitatea acestei regiuni privilegiate de natura.

Dupa o cafea aromata savurata intr-un bistro din port, te poti plimba agale pe stradutele pietruite ce urca in panta printre mandarini, pana in Old City, sau poti continua pana ajungi sus de tot, la cetatea castelului bizantin, de unde panorama orasului ce coboara spre mare este absolut minunata si memorabila.

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La intoarcere, treci pe sub impunatorul apeduct roman si ajungi la Tobacco Warehouse, fostul depozit de tutun, acum muzeu, caracterizat prin elemente arhitecturale și morfologice ale arhitecturii otomane și neoclasice, ce gazduieste și o serie de expoziții temporare.

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Arhitectura otomana e o prezenta vizibila prin cladiri distincte si impozante, una dintre ele fiind Moscheea Halil Bey, neobisnuit de colorata atat in interior dar mai ales la exterior, inconjurata de cladirile anexe la fel de vibrante coloristic, compozitie remarcabila in special prin contrastul creat de aceasta asociere.

Evident, gurmanzii au si ei partea lor semnificativa de incantare, oferita de bucatele ispititoare si delicioase aflate la tot pasul, in tavernele old-style presarate pe stradute sau cele trendy din port.

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Plajele din apropierea orasului sunt fie caracterizare prin lux si discretie, fie prin abundenta de night-bars si cluburi, perfecte pentru party people.

Kavala, un loc de o frumusete aparte, unde istoria, prezentul si natura si-au dat intalnire pentru totdeauna.
Kavala, the perfect place to be. Definitely, one of my top favorites.

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I arrived at Kavala one evening in the end of October, on the dark, perceiving, or rather guessing in the headlights and street lamps, the silhouettes of old houses, scattered on narrow cobbled roads between new buildings with large terraces, many plants and colorful parasols.

Only when I reached the room with minimalist decor in Hotel Galaxy and went out on the terrace, the view absolutely gorgeous of boats that swayed gently in lapping waves in a game apart of the shadows and lights, I felt strongly that shiver of desire fulfilled in an unexpected way: I was on the beach, but in the foothills, during autumn, in a place that brings together spectacular ancient architecture style with urban cosmopolitan lifestyle. The perfect place to be. Just Kavala.

Morning glory revealed in all its generosity, powered by this Byzantine city created in the 7th century BC, then called Neapolis and then found several hundred years under the domination of the Ottoman Empire during the reign of Suleiman Magnificent period when the governor was Ibrahim Pasha, Greek origin, who loved, protected and sustained prosperity of this region privileged by nature.

After enjoyed an excellent coffee in a harbor bistro, you can walk slowly along the cobbled streets that climb the slope among tangerine, until the Old City, or you can continue until you reach the top of everything, the Byzantine castle fortress with a panoramic view of the city descending to the sea, absolutely wonderful and memorable.

In return, pass under the imposing Roman aqueduct and get to the Tobacco Warehouse, former tobacco warehouse, now a museum, characterized by architectural and morphological Ottoman and neoclassical architecture, hosting a series of temporary exhibitions.

Ottoman architecture is a distinct and visible presence by imposing buildings, one of which being Halil Bey Mosque, unusually colored both inside and especially outside, surrounded by outbuildings as vibrant colorful, a composition particularly remarkable by the contrast created of this association.

Obviously, gourmets have their significant share and delight, enticing and delicious food are everywhere, in old-style tavernas scattered on the streets or in port trendy restaurants.

Beaches near the city are either characterized by luxury and discretion, either by abundance of bars and night-clubs, perfect for party people.

Kavala, a place of unique beauty, where history, present and nature have met forever. Kavala, the perfect place to be. Definitely, one of my top favorites.


Photo credits: Eleni Karakatsani, Galaxy Hotel Kavala, wikipedia, panoramio, tasosgem.com, wikimedia, nixpixmix.blogspot.com, vanrofood.wordpress.com, mouzenidis.ro, airotel.gr, truegreece.org, travellershut, arhiva personala

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