San Anton Palace Gardens

Inca inainte de a ajunge in Malta, stiam ca vreau neaparat sa ma plimb prin gradinile palatului San Anton, locul unde a copilarit Regina Maria a României, a carei personalitate o admir foarte mult, mai ales prin prisma frumusetii locurilor unde si-a lasat amprenta peste timp, datorita creativitatii, avangardismului si viziunii sale extraordinare.

San Anton Palace Gardens se afla in Attard, intemeietorul fiind cavalerul francez Antoine De Paule, al 54-lea Grand Master al Ordinului Sfantul Ioan, in 1623. Lui ii apartine schita intregului spatiu, ce contine o vila, Palatul San Anton (acum resedinta oficiala a Presedintelui Maltei), o capela, multe dependinte si o superba gradina cu un design simetric, care la inceputuri excela prin faimoasa orangerie din care De Paule obisnuia sa trimita cate un portocal drept cadou catre cei carora urma sa le acorde un titlu nobiliar.

Grădinile San Anton au fost deschise partial pentru public incepand din 1882, si sunt strabatute de alei grațioase, sculpturi, iazuri ornamentale si un mic helesteu cu rațe și lebede. Contin o mare varietate de copaci și flori din întreaga lume, inclusiv specii de palmieri, chiparos, Jacarandas, Araucarias și alte plante exotice, unele dintre ele vechi de peste trei secole. Timp de mulți ani, protocolul obișnuit pentru vizita șefilor de stat in San Anton includea si plantarea unui copac în amintirea șederii lor în Malta.

Last but not least, Regina Maria a României a copilarit in Palatul si Gradinile San Anton, iata cum descrie fetita de 12 ani prima sa dimineata in Malta: “locul cu o miasmă desfătătoare care venea de la iasomie, înflorită din belşug, de la muşcate, înalte cât un pom, de la verbine, trandafiri, smocuri mari de crizanteme albe, micşunele, narcise, anemone şi atâtea altele flori necunoscute în emisfera nordică. Peste amestecul de flori pluteau mii de albine şi de fluturi”.

Intr-adevar, San Anton Palace Gardens sunt un spatiu absolut minunat, extrem de linistitor si relaxant, in care timpul curge altfel si gandurile se limpezesc pana la placerea pura, totala, de a privi.

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Regina Maria a Romaniei

Regina Maria a Romaniei

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Even before arriving in Malta, I knew that I necessarily have to walk through the gardens of the palace San Anton, where grew Queen Maria of Romania, whose personality I admire very much, especially considering the beauty of the places where she left her precious mark over time, because of creativity, avant-garde and her extraordinary vision.

 San Anton Palace Gardens are placed in Attard, their founder being the French knight Antoine De Paule, 54th Grand Master of Order Saint John, in 1623. He realized the sketch of the entire space, containing a villa, Palazzo San Anton (now the official residence of the President of Malta), a chapel, several outbuildings and a beautiful garden with a symmetrical design, the beginnings being marked by a famous Orangerie from which De Paule used to send one orange tree as a gift to those who follow to grant a knighthood.

San Anton Gardens were partially open to the public since 1882 and are crossed by graceful paths, sculptures, ornamental ponds and a small pond with ducks and swans. Contain a great variety of trees and flowers from around the world, including species of palms, cypress, Jacarandas, Araucarias and other exotic plants, some of them over three centuries old. For many years, the usual protocol for visiting heads of states in San Anton also included planting a tree in memory of their stay in Malta.

Last but not least, Queen Maria of Romania grew in this palace and Gardens San Anton, here is how describes the 12 years girl her first morning in Malta “place with a stench that enchanting coming from jasmine, blooming in abundance, from Geraniums high as a tree, verbena, roses, large clumps of chrysanthemums, cyclamen, daffodils, anemones and many other flowers unknown in the Northern hemisphere. Over mixture of flowers floated thousands of bees and butterflies.

Indeed, San Anton Palace Gardens are an absolutely wonderful space, extremely soothing and relaxing, where time flows differently and thoughts are clearing up to the pure, complete pleasure of looking around and just enjoy.

Photo credits: personal archive Ruxandra Chiurtu,

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